One of my trusty readers sent me an email and the link of a site that will PAY YOU for submitting song ideas for Beyonces next album. Do you really think this heff is going to pick up a pen and write her own stuff, HELL NO!!! Well, get over there and submit your song ideas if you want to be paid (probably peanuts) for coming up with Beyonces next hit!! Did I mention Michelle Williams, Solange and them is also jumping aboard the choo choo train for some hits by strangers! Apparently they are paying this guy, Jake McKim to come up with songs, and if I am not mistaken, you have to pay 10 dollars to submit your idea. Go and take a look if you want, but remember when you see 'Lyrics by Beyonce Knowles' on the inside of that CD jacket, just remember that thats smoke and mirrors aka LIES!!
Why is this a surprise? Many talented artist don't write their own music.