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Wendy Attends Als 53rd Birthday

Al Sharpton celebrated his 53rd birthday and Wendy Williams was in attendance. Im happy that he's still around making life better for us black folk but on the other hand, what does Wendy add to the table....besides those big ole' tanned implants and that big polident dentures smile. Wendy izza funny lookin woman, moving on!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Umm she has a beautiful smile and she adds to the table , realness, funny,loud,says it like she means it and fly above haters including you,
    SHe has a beautiful body and is a beautiful women inside and outside

    DON"T HATE ,leave her alone already ge I swear you guys bother her alot ,when the women hasn't done a thing to you !!



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