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R.I.P La La Brown

Lets have a moment of silence for the late Miss. La La Brown. She and her producer, JeTannue Clayborne, were found murdered in a Milwaukee basement last week. The local police are very tight lipped about the double murder but state their bodies were there for some time before anyone located them. They were found at the Loud Enuff Productionz Studio.

La La Brown did a callabo with Lyfe Jennings on the song S.E.X. and she also had a solo album in the works. So young, so early



  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    La La Brown was a beautiful and talented Singer. Milwaukee does miss u baby. And to the World--if u get a chance, please get a copy of her CD ( you will enjoy it).
    your friend Coach Carlos

  2. Anonymous5:23 PM

    awww r.i.p i have never heard of her.


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