T.I. thought his release from snitchlanta correctional center would drive the masses crazy. He actually thought his release was something we were waiting for. ZZZZZzzzZZZZ, oops, i fell asleep. What was I just talking about? O yea, that has been rapper, TI
What a snoozer. Nobody is checking for this ignorant criminal. He even emailed graphics to the blogs to let us know that hes back. Ok, what the fuk u want us to do T.I? You want us to throw you a welcome home party in the comment sections? Shut the fuk up, your career is popping almost as much as Chris Browns. The streets don't trust you anymore. You need more people. Heres his welcome home graphics which was made by him. Narcissist much? He even has a song entitled "I'm back". OK, we get it... now shut up and raise your kids and beat on your pig.
lol real talk aint nobody checkin for this rat